Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mazel Tov from Korea!

A Korean pop band called ZE:A or “child of empire” has released a strange new song called Mazeltov. The song is a fusion of languages, including Korean, English and the Jewish saying mazal tov, which pretty much means “congratulations” and is something one would say on a happy occasion. 

The song is about the band singing to a girl who they like and want attention back from her. "I'm very very afraid that your heart will always act as if it doesn't know me and forget," the group sings.

They seem to be talking to all their female fans, with verses like “Latin girl. Mexican girl. American girl, Japan girl, Korean girl. It's Fantastic. It's Magical, and you are MA x5 Magic.”

But the out of the ordinary part of the song occurs in the chorus, when they sing "Mazeltov have strength / Mazeltov laugh / Mazeltov Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday."

 It does seem a little out of place, but hey, as long as they aren't saying anything derogatory then have fun!

Mazeltov seems like an energetic and happy song, although it's probably not everyone's musical cup of tea. It's a fun party song and will also introduce the saying “mazal tov” to people all around the world. So everyone can celebrate and learn a little about the Jewish culture at the same time! 

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