Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Knesset passes the 'popcorn bill'

Have you ever gone to see a movie when you're hungry, only to realize you have to fork over your life savings for a bag of popcorn from the concession stand? We've all been there, and many of us wish we could just bring a snack from home instead of spending the cash on overpriced junk food.

Well in Israel, that wish might just come true. The Economic Affairs Committee of the Knesset just approved a bill that, if passed into law, will let Israelis bring their own food to cinemas, concert venues and sporting events.

Member of Knesset Carmel Shama-Hacohen, one of the bill's promoters, said that the bill is meant to protect "captive customers," who are essentially forced to buy the venue's expensive refreshments if they get hungry or thirsty.

Someone needs to tell the Canadian government to follow suit, I'm sick of emptying my wallet for popcorn and gummy bears.

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