Now, I definitely noticed the PM smiling in the right side of the frame, had a chuckle, and moved on. The Internet, however, as it tends to, did not. Within days, Bibi’s smiling face had been cut and pasted into history’s and film’s greatest moments. Some of the “Bibi-bombs” are actually quite hilarious. A personal favourite? E.T phone Bibi.
Even better than the pictures popping up, was the PM’s sense of humour about it all. This man can’t be made into a laughing stock without getting in on the fun himself. On Wednesday, his official Facebook page posted his very own photobomb.
Bibi pasted himself into a photo of his UN speech, with a speech bubble that reads, “Doogri, you made me laugh.” Doogri, for the non-Middle Eastern among you, means frankly. He famously used the slang term while speaking at the UN General Assembly last month.
You’ve got to hand it to him: the man can take a joke.
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