On a rainy Sunday afternoon flipping through the stations on the Rogers digital cable box, in the upper 100’s, I happened to come across channel CHNU showing a program called the Jewish Voice. Thinking it might be like Israel Today, found on the Rogers community channel, I tuned in to ofind out what the topic of the day was. Within minutes after running an advertisement on the wonders of Israel the President of the Jewish Voice, Jonathan Bernis which is really called the Jewish Voice Ministries International, starts professing the Gospel of Yeshua. (the Hebrew name given to Jesus) He went on with various metaphors proclaiming the importance of educating first the Jews and then the gentiles on the revelations of Jesus the Messiah.
Let’s be real here, the Jewish Voice Ministries International is with great certainty a front for Jews for Jesus, shrouding itself in its secondary mission to educate and equip those of the Christian belief system with an understanding and appreciation for the Jewish roots of their faith. Additionally, it mandates itself to impart a love for our homeland its people and the Jewish people spread out across the Diaspora. I’ve heard of bridging the cultural divide but this goes beyond what should be accepted. Voices should be raised and a ban should be called on such an organization, which likely communes in a cult like atmosphere. It takes advantage of Jews around the world in destitute and desperate situations through its festivals and seminars, indoctrinating people with teachings from an ill-begotten source.
The Jewish people do not believe the Messiah has yet been to Earth or all the Jewish people would have lived together in Israel. Clearly, as history indicates that has never quite come to pass. I myself am not religious to the extreme. I do however know that at our core our true text of teachings and knowledge from which all other lessons are sourced from is the G-d given five books of Moses bequeathed to us at Mount Sinai. One might say the golden calf of the twenty first century has been found in The Good News and Mr. Bernis’s text of revelations. Watch out for the Almighty’s wrath.
To see the Ministries Mission and Vision statement in its entirety click here
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