Thursday, June 20, 2013

Google and Rick Moranis' mothers' brisket

Firstly: Depending on which side of the Green Line one live on in Israel / the West Bank, ubiquitous search engine Google has decided to label your login area as either "Google Israel" or "Google Palestine."

Google Israel page
or this...
Google Palestine page
This has apparently upset some people, since Google's prior description of its Palestinian homepage was "Google Palestinian territories."

Read the full debate here on JTA.


Now for something completely funny...

Recluse comedian Rick Moranis – he of Bob and Doug McKenzie, Honey I shrunk the Kids, Spaceballs, Ghostbusters and much other mirth – just released his second full-length musical comedy CD called My Mother's Brisket & Other Love Songs.

You can check out a full length interview he did with the New York Times here. I haven't heard it yet, but the album cover is tremendous.

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